KTPS Angels High is well equipped with modern, State of the Art Infrastructure that supplements the learning process
and helps translate theoretical teachings into reality.
Other Infrastructure
School has a spacious library which is well ventilated and well illuminated for reading purposes of more than 20,000 titles pertaining to various subjects.
Spacious and Airy Classrooms
Class rooms are well lit, airy and equipped with remote controlled LCD multi-media projectors, Public Address System, collar and cordless microphones.
Computer Lab
There are two state of the art computer labs with high speed, leased line internet connectivity with power full servers for students, administration and management.
Physics /Chemistry/ Bio Lab
The school accommodates well equipped Computer Science, IP, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology and Social Science labs. The laboratory caters students need.
Outdoor Sports Field
School has specially designated Activities Area on the ground floor of the campus. For extra Curricular activities, we maintain a separate playground for outdoor games.
Medical Dispensary
The school management is conscious about the health of its children. The school provides its students and staff members a round the clock dispensary in the school campus.